Saturday, November 1, 2008

The Mighty Warrior Turns 18

For eighteen years God has been shaping, molding, holding, refining, and ultimately, loving Matt Christmas. I've had the joy of watching the whole process, and a joy it has been. This is a special young man ... a leader with his friends, a stud on the football field, a loving uncle and a compassionate person. An old Scottish proverb says: Never give a man a sword who can't dance. Well, I'm pretty certain Matt can't dance (unless you've got some moves you've been hiding), but the point is, a warrior must fight from a passion that goes deeper than rage against an enemy ... the passionate fighter must have a compassionate heart that provides the motivation to fight for the truths and people he loves. Matt is a great example of a man (and I emphasize man today) who shows courage and compassion. With all that God has done in your life Matt ... He's not anywhere near done ... embrace it, love it, hunger for His truth. The Lord is with you mighty warrior ... now go in the strength that you have, and may unconditional love be your battle tactic ... just as Christ loved you.

Love you bro ... Robby


Teecy said...

man, you are so good at these collages and sweet posts!

Dolly said...

Yes, I agree. If I was your sister or brother, I would feel SO LOVED reading your posts. Happy Belated bday matt!