Friday, December 12, 2008

Why You Smilin' a' Me?!

... Fair question Christy ... well, here's why ...

Because, as these pictures represent, you are a beautifully alive woman with a big heart. Your true colors may be veiled to some by your introverted tendencies, but those of us that know you, we have reason to be smilin' a you.

Because you used to think there was a Miami and a Yourami ... we're smilin'. Because you used to dress up like an Indian and shoot a bow and arrow ... we're smilin'(it was very convincing by the way). Because you used to smoke a pipe ... we're smilin'. Because you raised Kevin ... we're smilin'. And even though you often demanded "gimme a sandwhich now!" ... we're still smilin' (and snickering a little). You give us reason to smile. Happy Birthday Christy. We love you.


Teecy said...

oh my gosh, this is SO MUCH BETTER than mine! I am laughing and smiling! I love that you included a picture of her smoking a pipe as a wee girl!
All of this is so true...i love it!!

Teecy said...

come on, post!!