Saturday, April 4, 2009

On the Edge ... Movement Church

Joanna and Trey and I will be moving to Richmond VA this summer to do something crazy ... start a church. We will be joining Cliff Jordan and his family in this faith-stretching strategic venture for God's glory. I want to do some quick blogs over the next several weeks and work through some of our vision for what will be Movement Church. (For a more thorough discussion see

That's me ... and Cliff, Cliff Jordan. We were on a huge rock on the edge of a cliff (different cliff) that dropped down to the Arkansas River. And as we sat there and looked out ... and down, I realized my situation was similar to what it will be when we move to Richmond this summer to plant a church ... on the edge. The edge of what? Lots of things I think ... but mostly I'm praying we're on the edge of a glorious move of God to make His name and character known in the City of Richmond. And that's a church, that's the church we hope to start.

Here's a brief thought about our heart for Movement Church:

* A missional community - when I say community I mean a group of people that value Relational Depth. Valuing Relational Depth will be demonstrated by genuinely caring about people, and cultivating mutual accountability and encouragement. That means ... when someone in our church is sick, celebrating, hurting, happy, or living in patterns of addiction or sin ... we're there, we're there to bear their burdens (Gal. 6:1,2), to celebrate their sanctification, to cry their tears, and to join their joy.

There's some thoughts on community ... check back in, more on missional later.

1 comment:

kirbylee said...

Robby, I am so excited about this church. Having spent a significant proportion of my formative years under your pastoralship [how i wish that was a real word!], I feel that I have the authority to say that you will be an excellent church-planter, and that your flock probably has no idea what's about to hit them.

It's funny, though, because I just looked at a map of the southeast, and you guys are making a move (Wake Forest to Richmond) in the same direction and about the same distance that I am (Athens to Boone). Curious.