Monday, November 2, 2009

I'm Really Intrigued

It was the kind of reaction I like to hear when people are first introduced to thoughts about Movement Church. This was a lady in the park with two kids. We had a lovely little talk about cute and sweet kids are, and then she asked me, "what brings you to Richmond?" So, I told her, and then explained what our Community Groups are all about. And she was intrigued. She said it sounded really neat, and unique ... which we both agreed was unfortunate, that it was unique. When she asked me what kind of denomination we are and I explained that we try to focus on the Bible and what Jesus said ... she said, but how do you know what Jesus said. A fair question. So I shared that there was pretty good evidence for the reliability of the Gospels, the accounts of the life, teachings, death, and resurrection of Jesus. I told her about two different ways ancient texts are tested for reliability: # of years in between the date written and the date of the earliest copy we have (this time span represents the number of times it would have been recopied, more time, more margin for error); and the number of total copies (the more copies, the more texts you have to compare and validate one another). So, in light of that, I compared for her Plato and the New Testament ... consider the data below (it's a little jumbled but I can't fix it, so do your best):

Text Date Written First Copy Difference # of Copies
Aristotle 384-322 BC 1100 AD 1400 years 49
Ceasar 100-44 BC 900 AD 950 years 10
Plato 427-347 BC 900 AD 1200 years 7
NT 40-100 AD 125 AD 25 years over 24,000

It turned out to be a really great conversation, and I'm praying that God will use that seed to draw her to Him. I'm so grateful for these opportunities and for the confidence we can have in God's Word!

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