Saturday, September 5, 2009

First Vision Cast

It's one thing to have a vision, a vision of what could be ... what should be. It's another thing to transfer that vision to others. When you have a clear vision of what should be, it is never alone. It brings with it inspiration, clarity and endurance to keep going when the vision begins to cost more time and energy than you anticipated spending. But like I said, transferring a vision is different than having one. However, if you can transfer it clearly, then perhaps you transfer the a fore mentioned treasures as well.

So how do you transfer a vision? A vision birthed in the heart of a passionate disciple of Christ will have been formed over years of following Him, struggling with the truths He has revealed to us, and being broken over the way we fall short of what those truths demand. This is not a journey that can be duplicated in a night, or a month. So, what does it take? To be honest, I'm not completely sure. But I think if you can present it with the same passion that you felt when it was forming in your soul ... if you can pray in faith for the Spirit of God to reveal it to others as He has revealed it to you ... then perhaps God can do in another's heart what He has done in yours.

That is my prayer for tomorrow night as we begin to cast a vision for what could be in the city of Richmond ... the vision of Movement Church.


Robby Christmas said...
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Joanna Christmas said...

How about that youth ministry experience coming back to bite you in the butt...?