Sunday, November 28, 2010

The Reason He Came

Matthew 1:21 says "She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.” Our sins were always in view when Jesus left glory to reveal God's love. So not only did He leave the glories of Heaven and enter into the existence of a human being subjected to the same pain, sickness, temptation, hunger, and trials of humanity ... He did it for an undeserving helpless people. The valor of doing something heroic and self-sacrificing seems to be accentuated when it is done for a sweet little child, or someone who deserves the efforts made to save them. But what valor is there for He who gives His life for His enemies? None, for he seems foolish to the world. But in this foolishness we are saved, saved from the foolishness of our sins and foolish attempts to get to Him on our own. He came to us, to save us from our sins, and bring us to Himself.

1 comment:

Teecy said...

I'm enjoying these advent posts. Keep it up!